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HAFF Programs


Formal Education – IPB The Bohoc Training Institute or l’Institut Pratique de Bohoc (IPB), a Junior and Senior High School has been educating junior high and high school students in the Bohoc community and surrounding area since the 1970's. With more than 300 students enrolled in grades 7 through 13, quality, Christ-centered education is being passed from one generation to another, making a long-term impact in the overall community. Other programs that are part of the school include school lunch, the Friends of Christ Bible study, Science labs and demonstrations, and Bibles for 7th and 10th graders.

Community Education Community Education at HAFF helps people integrate Christian principles into their lives and provides various skills training. The goal is to offer Christ-centered educational programs to help people grow and develop their communities. HAFF is active in several areas including training primary school students in health, supporting farmer groups in financial and agricultural projects, Christian Home Economics, training young people in Christian leadership and fostering exchange between local Haitians and visitors from the US and other countries.

Supporting the Local Church HAFF has several programs to come alongside local churches to support the pastors and church leaders in their work of making disciples of Christ. HAFF provides activities in several areas including showing evangelistic films at local churches, providing opportunities for Bible Studies, training pastors and church leaders and offering Vacation Bible School.

Ministries of Compassion HAFF understands the importance of meeting physical and economic needs in addition to spiritual and educational needs. HAFF has developed various compassion ministries to better address many of these needs: Medical Clinic, Eyeglass Clinic, Ambulance Service and Gift Shop.


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