HAFF understands the importance of meeting physical and economic needs in addition to spiritual and educational needs.

HAFF has developed various compassion ministries to better address many of these needs: Medical Clinic, Ambulance Service, Eyeglass Clinic, the HAFF Farm and a Gift Shop.

HAFF's small medical clinic is staffed by Haitian auxiliary nurses. Open 4 days per week, they serve several local communities, charging only for medicines. The women help people with burns, wounds, pain, digestive problems, diabetes, malaria, various infections, etc. They also monitor blood pressure for several people in the community. Mme Telius voluntarily provides urgent care to the community at any time of the day or night.

HAFF's Toyota Land Cruiser is used as a multi-community ambulance service responding to emergencies which need transportation to the Bienfaisance Hospital in Pignon. HAFF typically serves women with difficult pregnancies and victims of injuries and life-threatening diseases. The service operates in a 4-mile radius, day or night, over roads that are sometimes dangerously muddy or rutted.

HAFF's eyeglass clinic was founded in 1998 and has functioned on and off over the years as there has been staff to run it. Gifts of cataloged eyeglasses and equipment and some training by visiting eye surgeons have enabled HAFF staff to provide very low-cost eyeglasses to community members. The clinic is open now only occasionally for people to purchase sunglasses and readers.

Between 20 and 30 acres of the HAFF campus are given over to the HAFF farm managed by Ely Mompremier. The farm is used to multiply improved varieties of crops and to produce approximately 2,000 fuel and lumber tree seedlings and 2,000 grafted fruit and nut tree seedlings for distribution for the farmers in the communities HAFF serves. The farm employs 5 full-time laborers and a number of seasonal contracted help who, in addition to agricultural projects, keep the HAFF campus beautiful.

Zandolit (pronounced Zahn – doe – leet) is the Haitian Creole name of the little lizards that are everywhere around HAFF. It is also the name of the gift shop at HAFF which is open to visitors to HAFF. Local vendors place items in the shop on consignment. Some of the vendors place their own hand-crafted items and others purchase crafts in larger cities to re-sell. Either way, visitors have access to souvenirs and the vendors gain a small profit since 100% of proceeds go back to the vendor.