My name is Michelle Schneider, and I am excited to join the HAFF team as the new admin assistant to the director! I have watched HAFF from afar for a number of years in wonder of what they do for and with the people of the plains of Haiti. I am thrilled to be a part of that.
As a teacher with dual certifications in music and elementary education and 16 years of experience in public, private, and virtual schools, I am particularly inspired by HAFF’s school, IPB. In addition to teaching, I have also provided teacher training and professional development for teachers for a number of years, and I am co-host of an education podcast called Teacher2Teacher to be released in January 2025.

I came to know Jesus as my personal Savior when I was four years old. I remember the time of my conversion acutely. I also recall going to school the next day and thinking that I needed to be kind to the lonely kids, not just because my parents wanted me to, but now also because God wanted me to. I see a shift in my thoughts and motivation from that point forward as evidence of the Holy Spirit working in me.
As a former missionary kid to Spain, I appreciate other cultures and how the gospel is made for each and every person. I understand the importance of embracing other cultures when I am in them rather than trying to Americanize them. As a mom to a teen boy, I strive to reinforce the gospel and all its fruit every day.
HAFF supports several ministries in Haiti; the school is just one! I am loving learning about all of the ministries we have on the northern plains of Haiti! I am excited for the work God is doing! God is good all the time!