Every year there is a lot of planning needed to send the philo class (13th grade) off each morning to take their 4 day national exams.

The day before exams start, while the class is meeting to study, we have a period of prayer and singing with several of the HAFF staff and a couple of pastors praying and encouraging the students from their own experiences at national exams. HAFF provides special lights so the students can return each day and study together again after 4:00 that afternoon.

Each morning of the exams, students meet at the school kitchen to eat a breakfast of spaghetti and meat and this year, special passion fruit juice with ice! Everyone stands to eat so they won't spill anything on their new white uniform shirts.

With the picture taking, students are starting to realize that this is the end of a major epoch in their lives. They will not be returning to IPB again, may not see some of their friends who live in other communities for a long time. Equally sobering, unless they go on for post high school education for some of our students this will be the end of their formal education.

It is hard to round up all 34 students and to get every face in the photo. Late comers run off to eat breakfast and soon it is time to load up.

It’s hard to pack 34 people into our dump truck especially with everyone being careful to keep their shirts clean.

Finally, it is time for the 4-mile drive to Pignon where the exams are held for several area schools.
Please pray for the students that they would remain calm, and their years of hard work would bear fruit in good marks on the exam. Donations to HAFF’s General Fund help to support these students in their studies and exam times.