1. Loving Christ – We believe every member of HAFF should love Christ and this love should be evident in their daily living.

2. Loving others – Jesus said we are to love others as ourselves. We believe every member of HAFF should demonstrate their love for others through compassion and good works.

3. Prayer – We are totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to do the work of God. Prayer is vital to keep our hearts oriented toward God and His word, to keep us from sin, to help us listen to the Holy Spirit, and to maintain lives consecrated to God.

4. Biblical truth – Everything we think, say, and do should pass the test of biblical truth. The Bible is our authority in all matters of faith and practice and should permeate all our ministries. We believe every area of education must acknowledge and lift up Christ and the teachings of Scripture.

5. Bearing Fruit – As Christ-followers, we are to be productive or fruitful.
We help people in many practical ways, but we should be producing
spiritual fruit in our personal lives and our ministries.